I Avert my Gaze

2020, Two channel Video projection presented at practical art gallery during ArtFarm collective's Roadside Attraction exhibition

I Avert my Gaze  is a series of 8 digital video collage poems, mediating the non existent space between the natural world and humans The videos are comprised of two versions of 8 video poems, played simultaneously. The piece was created in response to the murder of George Floyd and the awakening of our country’s awareness of structural racism and the necessity of individual taking responsibility for their own re-education. The long term subject of my work has been the cyclical nature of history and the resilience of human culture and hope, coupled with an thorough awareness that human behavior has historically been self serving and prejudiced and equally, empathetic and altruistic. Thus this piece is a representation of my own guilt and hope and attempt at owning my cowardice and prejudice. One part (Left-side) of a two channel video project, meant to be viewed side by side with its partner piece.